By Dan Lentz
1. When you open a package and its contents require some assembly, which of the following most typifies your next step?
• I read the directions first, then assemble step-by-step.
• I assemble first and read the directions if needed.
• I send the box back and request that the store assemble it!
2. “Moses did everything just as the Lord commanded him.” What was the result of Moses’ obedience to this task?
3. In what areas do you think many Christians struggle with obedience? (Examples include traffic laws and speaking carelessly.)
4. Have you had experiences where simple obedience to the Lord had big results (either positive or negative)? Share some examples.
5. In what areas of obedience to the Lord do you want to grow personally?
6. Ask group members to form same-gender pairs or trios. Let these smaller groups serve as accountability groups for the next month. Close your group time by having the smaller groups pray together about areas of obedience that need improvement. Encourage group members to pray for one another daily.
Dan Lentz works for the Small Group Network in Whitestown, Indiana.
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