lesson & life

The Lesson and Life for February 13

by Dr. Don Young How frequently do you leave the worship service on Sunday morning feeling overwhelmed by the experience? How often do your worship experiences leave you speechless? Now you get a glimpse of what Peter must have found himself facing on the Mount of Transfiguration when he was completely at a loss for […]

The blessings of sovereignty

The Editor’s Desk by Shawn McMullen When we hear the word sovereign we think in terms of authority, control, and power. We call kings sovereigns and autonomous states sovereignties. But even kings and countries have limitations. No earthly king has ever overruled the human lifespan. History repeatedly confirms the fleeting power of nations and the […]


The Five Ps of Public Speaking

by Linda Gilden Some surveys indicate more people suffer from glossophobia than from necrophobia. Simply put, more people are afraid of standing in front of an audience to speak than are afraid of dying. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Much of the fear of public speaking is generated from a lack of […]


The Value of Your Word

by Elizabeth Delaney One of my college professors was a stickler for honest communication. She was fond of saying, “Be as good as your word.” If students told her they were going to do something at a certain time or show up at a certain place, she expected them to follow through. Her passion for […]