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Loving Our Community

By Brian Jennings It’s so easy for us to become absorbed in our own little worlds. How can I help myself and my family see the needs in our own community? You are spot-on in observing our tendency to ignore the needs right across the street. Many of our “luxuries” become the enemy of community. […]


The ABCs of Life-Changing Goals

By Brian Jennings How can we set good new year goals as a family? A few years ago I set two goals for the year: 1—Finish my book manuscript. 2—Keep the little basket for my wallet and keys tidy. One year later I figured 50 percent wasn’t bad. A manuscript was done. My basket, on […]


5 Principles the Bible Teaches About Kindness

By Brian Jennings The village lacked running water or electricity. I’d just finished preaching a sermon outdoors on a warm Sunday afternoon, when the local preacher invited me for tea in his small two-room home. They noticed how quickly I drank my first cup of tea, so they swiftly offered another. There it was. Back […]

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Three Components of Effective Discipleship

By Brian Jennings If I peek my head around the corner at my coworker Dave, I’d better not make a sarcastic comment. I’d be within range of his water gun, which sits loaded and ready in his desk drawer. Beware of Dave Dunson’s water gun. He doesn’t miss. God created Dave to care for people […]