The core gospel

Christians and Culture by Dr. Tim Woodroof You’re sitting at Starbucks with an old friend. Life has not been kind to her—bad decisions, hurtful betrayals, painful circumstances. She hasn’t known how to live. She hasn’t known who she is. And now she comes to you for answers . . . to put her life back […]


Christians and Culture by Dr. Tim Woodroof I just devoured Laura Hillenbrand’s biography Unbroken—706 pages in under three days! I could not put the book down. As an avid reader of World War II history, I expected to hear the story of a soldier. As a disciple of Jesus, I was delighted to discover the […]

The end of the world

Christians and Culture by Dr. Tim Woodroof Bedraggled men wear signs announcing it. Ministers with over-heated imaginations write novels visualizing it. Preachers pound pulpits proclaiming it. The end of the world. The Day of Judgment. The Second Coming. Even poets bravely broach the subject. Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in […]