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Week 50 Character | Rediscovering Holiness

When was the last time holiness came up in your conversation? It’s not a popular topic these days where truth is an abstract thought and purity is a stigma we assign to our grandmothers. It’s an old-fashioned concept that doesn’t inspire today’s culture. Maybe we’ve forgotten about holiness. Or we’ve kept it safely tucked away […]


Week 48 Character | Be Still

Attending church regularly as a child, I learned that having a daily time with God was essential to the life of a Christian. Church camp provided a boost to my spiritual life every summer, and I established the routine of reading my Bible and journaling every evening before bed. I attended Bible college, and just […]


Week 47 Character | Just Be a Branch

I love grapes.  Please note—this is not a wayward comment. It’s a well-contemplated opinion, and a high compliment at that, because I enjoy a lot of fruit. There’s competition for top banana. Speaking of bananas, I don’t like to go a day without one, because of the potassium as well as taste (though they must […]