
Meeting Every Need

By Kelly Carr    I know a lot of amazing parents, but this issue’s topic brings some particular families to mind. This week we are looking at kids (and parents of kids) with special needs.  Raising any child is a challenge. Parents often evaluate how well they did to make sure their offspring ate healthy […]


Strong Women

By Kelly Carr   I come from a family of strong women. I’m very blessed to have so many role models in and around my family tree.   Grandmothers For a time, there were five generations of females living on my mom’s side (see photo). My great-grandmother raised five children and held down the household […]


Reading and Listening

By Kelly Carr   My nose has been buried in books for as long as I can remember. My mom saved some of my childhood books so that I could read them to my daughter. Ah, memories.  I read stories so often I would sometimes find that my thoughts took on narrative form: Kelly walked […]


Spur One Another On

By Kelly Carr   When we evaluate our lives, we may think about the big events that caused us to grow. The accomplishments. The surprises. Even the tribulations. But what about the people who caused you to grow? Think back over your life. Who made a difference and spurred you on to new levels in […]


Not-So-Holy Holiday

By Kelly Carr   Sometimes it’s hard to get emotionally built up for an annual event. When something is rare, occasional, or the fulfillment of a long-term goal, that day is fraught with anticipation, uninhibited joy, perhaps a bit of relief.  But when events occur regularly, expectedly, they can lose their wonder. That can happen […]