lesson & life

The Lesson and Life for April 24

by John M. Fuller “He is risen!” “He is risen, indeed!” is reported as a standard greeting of the early church. Go and tell it! He has risen from the dead. He has conquered death. Hallelujah! During the Christmas season we sing “Go, tell it on the mountain.” The third verse of the song says, […]

The cost—and blessing—of sacrifice

The Editor’s Desk by Shawn McMullen As we draw closer to Resurrection Sunday and enter a week marking Jesus’ anointing at Bethany, his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, his teaching in the temple courts, the washing of the disciples’ feet and institution of the Lord’s Supper during Passover, his agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, his […]

Go and tell – The Uniform Lesson for April 24

by Sam E. Stone The death, burial and resurrection of Christ are the heart of the gospel message (1 Corinthians 15:3, 4). Christians find ample reasons for their faith in the resurrection. The Angel’s Message/Matthew 28:1-7 The Jewish Sabbath ended at sundown on Saturday evening. Then the women could bring spices to anoint Christ’s body. […]