by Dan Lentz
1. List as many things as you can that you are in charge of right now. Share your list with the group. (Some examples are: workplace department manager, community club president, doing laundry at home, feeding the dog, getting the oil changed in our cars).
Which of these are a joy to you and which ones feel like a burden?
Read Mark 10:35-45.
2. How easy is it to expect a reward for our service? Are there some types of service we feel more entitled to be rewarded for than others?
3. What are some strategies we can use to help us serve with joy in all capacities of life without expecting something in return?
4. Thinking about the week ahead, what sacrifice could you make that would be a blessing to someone else? What is stopping you from making such a sacrifice?
5. Take the lead in planning a special service project for someone outside your church. Brainstorm as many ideas as you can. Decide on a project the group can do together and schedule a time for the service project to take place. Pray that you will serve with joy and that you will be a blessing from the Lord to someone as a result.
T. Daniel Lentz works for Small Group Network in Whitestown, Indiana.
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