by Dan Lentz
1. What is your vision for retirement? What do you want your life to look like when and if you retire? If you are near retirement, have things worked out the way you hoped?
Read Ecclesiastes 11:9–12:7, 13.
2. Name at least one unwise decision you made in your youth.
3. How can you use your experience and the truth of these Scriptures to help the younger generation “remember their Creator in the days of their youth”?
4. List some practical keys to growing older in the grace of the Lord.
5. Verse 13 says the conclusion of the matter is to “fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” As you think about growing older, what life purpose do you want to embrace? Take a piece of paper and write out a Growing Older Purpose Statement that begins with, “As I grow older, I will fear God and keep his commandments by focusing on the following . . . .” Once you’ve had a few minutes to write out a purpose statement, ask for volunteers to disclose their purpose
statements to the group.
6. Close with a prayer time to ask the Lord for strength to live out these purposes as you grow older.
T. Daniel Lentz works for the Small Group Network in Whitestown, Indiana.
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