
Designing Freedom

By Laura McKillip Wood When people hear the word missionary, a certain stereotype leaps to mind: a khaki-wearing, Bible-carrying adventurer who leaves everything behind to teach natives about Jesus. Or something like that. What doesn’t usually come to mind is a fashion designer who creates products to be produced by women escaping human trafficking. But […]


Training in Ukraine & Beyond

By Laura McKillip Wood For Valentin and Luba Siney, ministry is a family tradition. Valentin grew up in Kherson, Ukraine and comes from a long line of Ukrainian ministers. His grandparents ministered during the difficult years of the Soviet Union. His father started a church in Kherson in the late 1990s. His father’s invitation to […]


A Different Approach

By Laura McKillip Wood Christian work in India has a long history, including such well-known missionaries as Amy Carmichael, Mother Theresa, and William Carey. Much of the work has focused on humanitarian relief and social services. In recent years, Christians in this large and diverse country have begun to see the need for new direction […]


Holidays and Family on the Field

By Laura McKillip Wood Missionary families face the challenge of teaching their children about American culture while respecting the cultures in which they live. Jed and Renee Gourley deal with this challenge, raising their five children in the Caucasus Mountains in Tbilisi, Georgia.  Since the Georgian people celebrate international holidays, like Christmas and Easter, the […]


To Crimea & Back Again

By Laura McKillip Wood When David and Annette Dryden decided to work as missionaries, they did not realize they would end up working with Muslims. They originally moved to Crimea, which was then part of Ukraine, to plant churches among Ukrainians. “In the process, God showed us the unreached Muslims in Crimea who were not […]