by Dan Lentz
1. Share an embarrassing moment you can look back on and laugh about.
Read Proverbs 25:1-10.
2. These verses allude to several potential pitfalls. To which of the following are you most susceptible?
• Thinking you know it all.
• Avoiding being put to shame at all cost.
• Tending to gossip about somebody you don’t get along with.
3. How much of your emotional energy is spent dwelling on trivial matters?
4. Use these verses to come up with a list of practical action steps to maintain your integrity and resist being distracted by less honorable matters. Write your list on a white board or poster board so the group can see each of the action steps.
5. Have your group form two circles, one circle inside the other, with the outside circle facing in and the inside circle facing out. With this configuration, the inside circle and the outside circle will be facing each other. The person you are facing will be your prayer partner for the first round. Share a prayer request with each other and pray a brief prayer for one another (give each pair a couple of minutes to pray). Then have the outside circle move one person to the right and repeat the process. Encourage people to share a different prayer request with each partner. Refer to your list of action steps for prayer ideas. Keep doing this until you have gone all the way around the circle.
T. Daniel Lentz works for the Small Group Network in Whitestown, Indiana.
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