by Dan Lentz 1. Think about the person you’ve become. Are you more like your mother, your father, or neither? Why? Read Proverbs 15:21-33. 2. Instruct group members to pair up with one another. Then have each pair select two verses from the verses you’ve just read. Using the following questions as a guide, give […]
Where You Live for September 11
by Dan Lentz 1. Imagine your group is a book club this week. Contact members ahead of time and ask them to come prepared to talk about a favorite book, article, or story they’ve recently read. What did they like about it? What was unique? Who do they think should read it? 2. Continue to […]
Where You Live for September 4, 2011
by Dan lentz 1. What was the wisest piece of advice you ever received from . . . . . . a parent? . . . a mentor? . . . a friend? Why was this piece of advice helpful? Read Proverbs 3:1-12. 2. Ask group members to pick out one piece of wisdom contained […]
Where You Live for August 28, 2011
by Dan Lentz 1. Have you ever explored your family tree? What is your family’s ethnic heritage? What is the origin of your family name? Read Ruth 4:1-10. 2. In the time of Ruth and Boaz, the continuation of a family line was very important. Today children and grandchildren are seen as extensions of their […]
Where You Live for August 21, 2011
by Dan Lentz 1. Name a task you routinely do for someone because you know the person hates to do it and you want to show your love. 2. What difficult task does someone routinely do for you out of love? Read Ruth 2:8-18. 3. Try to list as many examples as you can find […]