Why win the lost?

The Editor’s Desk by Shawn McMullen As a young child my attempts at evangelism were confined mainly to the revival meetings my home church hosted. Often the visiting evangelist would encourage church members to “pick a night and pack a pew” during the crusade. I was especially eager to do this once I learned it […]

Leadership for the long haul

The Editor’s Desk by Shawn McMullen Many of the notable leaders we read about in Scripture share a common characteristic. Think about Moses, Joshua, the judges, the prophets, the kings, and the apostles. The work of some may have been cut short by conquest or martyrdom, but the fact remains they led as long as […]

Starting strong and finishing well

The Editor’s Desk by Shawn McMullen The history of Israel recorded in 1 and 2 Kings shows how God’s people lived—and often suffered—under an ever-changing regime of rulers. Some were bad from the beginning and remained that way. Others started strong but later gave in to pride, power, or possessions. A few led faithfully and […]

Living like a leader

From the Editor’s Desk by Shawn McMullen Building on last week’s editorial, here are a few more timeless leadership principles to consider. Holiness is not optional. God expects his leaders to live holy lives. Although he requires holiness from all his children (see 1 Peter 1:13-16), he especially requires it from those he uses in […]

Living like a leader

The Editor’s Desk by Shawn McMullen Building on last week’s editorial, here are a few more timeless leadership principles to consider. Holiness is not optional. God expects his leaders to live holy lives. Although he requires holiness from all his children (see 1 Peter 1:13-16), he especially requires it from those he uses in specific […]