By Dan Lentz 1. Ask group members to share pictures from their purse, wallet, or phone of a person or event that’s been meaningful to them recently. Ask, “What made you take this picture or keep the picture with you?” Read Ephesians 5:18—6:4. 2. What does it look like in practical terms […]
Where You Live — for December 23, 2012
By Dan Lentz 1. Name a Christmas tradition your family practiced as you were growing up. Name a Christmas tradition your family currently practices. What Christmas tradition would you like to establish in the future? Read John 1:1-5, 14; Ephesians 5:1, 2, 6-14. 2. How has Jesus been a light around you […]
Where You Live — for December 16
By Dan Lentz 1. If you had the time and energy to do it, what new endeavor would you like to start? Read Ephesians 4:1-16. 2. Based on your temperament, do you find it easy or challenging to “Be completely humble and gentle” and to “be patient, bearing with one another in […]
Where You Live — for December 9 2012
By Dan Lentz 1. What’s the most significant change in culture you’ve experienced in your lifetime that’s affected you personally? (Examples are: the equal rights movement, the advent of social media, the decline in morality.) Read Ephesians 2:11-22. 2. On a white board or large sheet of paper make a list of […]
Where You Live — for December 2,2012
By Dan Lentz 1. Take turns answering the following three questions: • What type of house did you live in when you were in elementary school? • Describe the first place you lived when you first left your parent’s home. • At what time in your life did you first feel at home with […]