by Dan Lentz 1. Have you ever had to suffer for doing the right thing? (Some examples are: you received a lower grade when you could have easily cheated, you turned down a promotion that would have taken you away from your family, you seemingly weakened a relationship for speaking the truth in love.) Talk […]
Where You Live for December 25
by Dan Lentz 1. What is new in your life right now? Are you singing a happy song about it, or singing the blues? Read Luke 1:46-55; 2:1-7. 2. Despite the awkwardness of Mary’s situation, she still sang a song of praise to the Lord. What did she praise the Lord for in these verses? […]
Where You Live–December 18, 2011
By Dan Lentz 1. Ask group members to select two of the following options and answer this question: What is the most challenging aspect of being a . . . • parent? • employee? • student? • leader ? Read Genesis 22:1-14. 2. The Lord asked Abraham to do a difficult thing. […]
Where You Live–December 11, 2011
By Dan Lentz 1. Do you consider yourself a patient person? What people or situations test your patience the most? 2. When your patience is pushed to the limit, what is your typical reaction? • give up • get mad • get apathetic • get _____ (fill in the blank) Read Genesis 15:1-6, 12-18. 3. […]
Where You Live — December 4, 2011
By Dan Lentz 1. What place or area would you like to move to if you had nothing holding you back? Why? Read Genesis 12:1-9. 2. The Lord asked Abraham to set out on a journey to an unknown place. In general, how do you react when setting out on a journey without the benefit […]